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Substantive conversations about real technology in real insurance agencies.

About the Show

The goal of the Insurance Perspectives podcast is to provide agency-focused, HOT (Honest, Open, and Transparent) conversations with industry members. The podcast releases every Tuesday except during July and December where season breaks occur.

Season three content and beyond will include:

  1. Conversations with members of the HawkSoft Partner Program and a mutual agency customer on how the technology helps their agency be more efficient.
  2. Thoughtful discussions related to equipping insurance agents with the tools to succeed at their business.
  3. Insightful discussions with thought-leaders to educate listeners on industry news, trends, and events.

Season 2 featured conversations with former captive insurance agents, industry members on the topic of mental health, and insurtech thought leaders on navigating technology and processes in an agency. The season concluded with an episode featuring HawkSoft leadership discussing one of HawkSoft’s core values, “Attitude of Gratitude.”

Season 1 featured two-part series divided as 30-minute episodes with a focus on an API or Solution Partner (Part 1) and on a mutual customer using HawkSoft with that Partner (Part 2).

Watch the Latest Episode Here!

Available Episodes

The podcast can be found on major audio platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Amazon Music.

Podcast Hosts

Kenneth Hendricks, Director of Partner Integrations

Kenneth (“Kenny”) Hendricks started at HawkSoft in 2015. Following just shy of a year as a Product Support Representative, Kenny transferred into HawkSoft’s nascent Marketing department to focus on Product Marketing. Through engagement with the HawkSoft User Group (HUG) and traveling to industry events Kenny developed a strong rapport with both HawkSoft customers and peers in the insurtech space. With the advent of HawkSoft’s Partner API Kenny was tapped to become Director of Partner Integrations to oversee HawkSoft’s push to embrace an open platform that can meet the complex and unique needs of independent insurance agencies. Most importantly to any podcast – Kenny already owned a quality microphone and has a face for radio.